A fragrant morning tea with a delightful orange-blossom flavour and yielding a golden cup. Tradition holds that this particular blend of chai was discovered by accident by a chai-wallah (chai seller) plying his trade one day in the Lal Bagh garden in Bangalore India around the turn of the last century. The Lal Bagh garden is one of the most famous gardens in Bangalore - a city revered throughout the world by botanists for its plentiful rose gardens and multitude of rose varieties. To this day in the Lal Bagh garden alone grow over 150 varieties of the beautiful and fragrant flowers. As the story goes the chai-wallah who was brewing his chai that day to sell to visitors in the garden discovered that rose petals from a bush being pruned nearby had fallen into his teapot. Since the chai-wallah intended to turn a profit, rather than waste the now scented tea and brew a fresh batch he simply added his other ingredients to the pot. Gorgeous, fragrant tea was the lucky result.